Guristas dmg type
Guristas dmg type

guristas dmg type

^ Rogue Drones have a tendency to vary wildly in what damage type they deal and are vulnerable to.^ Kinetic damage is best, EM and thermal are both ~75% as effective as kinetic but EM is better against shields and Mordu's ships have active shields so it is better overall.Please note that a few special NPCs don't follow the pattern of their faction. Ship fitting tools like PYFA can simulate combat against rats of different factions, giving you even more fine-grained control over your fit. Additionally, each faction only uses particular types of electronic warfare this is also noted in the table below. In general, all NPCs from a certain faction have similar damage profiles, making them much more predictable than player ships. You can see the resistances and damage types dealt in the attribute tab of an NPC if you open its info window. This way you can can fit your ship accordingly and maximise your effectiveness against your chosen targets. If you are running missions or ratting, it is helpful to know towards which damage the NPCs are weak and what damage they deal. However, NPCs tend to ignore the native resistance conventions of shields and armor, and in stead have damage resistances which are specific to their faction. Just like player ships, NPCs have different resistances for different damage types. But in this case most try to avoid taking damage by orbiting close in an AB fit destroyer. Because he deals explosive and kinetic, you would usually try fit resists against those. Thus you would try to deal explosive damage. You can see that he is weakest to explosive. The more "exotic" weapons in EVE (such as smartbombs, bombs, and Doomsday weapons) have variants for each damage type, which are generally otherwise equivalent.Īttibute tab of the NPC Dagan which you have to fight in the SoE mission Our Man Dagan.The variant have otherwise identical stats, although some missile-using ships have bonuses to one damage type (notably, many Caldari ships have a bonus to kinetic missile damage). Each missile type comes in four variants, each doing one damage type.Drones from each of the four factions do one damage type each, but they have slightly different stats (for example, Caldari drones (kinetic) do less damage than Gallente drones (thermal), but are slightly faster).The exact proportions depend on the plasma charge used. Entropic Disintegrators deal about 60% thermal and 40% explosive damage.Each type of projectile weapon ammunition does two (sometimes three) different damage types (one of which is always kinetic).The exact proportions depend on the ammunition type used. Hybrid weapons do about 60% kinetic and 40% thermal damage.The exact proportions depend on the frequency crystals used. Energy turrets (often called "lasers") do about 60% EM and 40% thermal damage.Thermal damage is not to be confused with heat damage, which is caused by overloading modules.However, keep in mind that it's possible (with the right modules) to compensate for a ship's weaknesses and tech 2 ships follow their own patterns of native resistance. For instance, without any modules or rigs, shields are most susceptible to EM damage and most resistant to explosive damage. " Native resistance" is a tech 1 ship's resistance to damage before any modules or rigs are fitted.Conversely, if you know that your enemy's ship has a low resistance to a particular damage type, you can use weapons which deal that specific damage type, making them more effective.If you know that your enemy uses weapons which deal a particular damage type, you can fit modules to your ship to increase your resistance to that damage type, making your enemy's weapons less effective against you.Understanding damage types helps you to survive longer and deal more damage to enemy ships: There are four different damage types in EVE:Īll weapons in EVE do at least one (often two) of these damage types, and every ship has different resistances against each.

Guristas dmg type